Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 10: Hanging in Fairfield

When I woke up in my yellow sunny room on the second floor of Leslie's home, Les was already gone taking Swanson to the vet for his first checkup.  [Mostly good news BTW.  A few small issues that should (hopefully) be easily resolved.]

I needed to do some laundry at this point, so I started that while channel-surfing.  [Did ya'll know that there is a school called the Universal Technical Institute?  The acronym is "UTI", and their website is  Ladies, anyone else laughing at this????]  Les and Swanson came home and we hung out in the backyard for a little while waiting on the Invisible Fence guy.  [Uh-oh, Swanson!]

After he came by to put up a new set of flags (Les already had the fence from her previous dog, beloved Brody), and test the fence, we went to the Firehouse Deli for lunch.  Gorgeous day outside!  We then had to head north to the city of Trumbull to pick up trophies and medals for the Bridgewater World Cup tournament.  [more on that later...]  The trophies were pretty cheesy, but Les said that she tried for a high cheese factor so that people will be proud to display the trophies on their desks.  :-)

When we got home, we spent some more time with Swanson on the deck (sit, Swanson!  Sit!), and then got ready to go to the soccer match.  Okay, here's the scoop on that....  Les is an event planner at Bridgewater (a privately-held hedge fund).  She really gets to do some fun things for the 1000 or so employees, and just so happens that this Wed was the last match -- the championship -- of their company soccer tournament.  This was the second year they did it, and they decided on a World Cup theme.  They had 4 teams (about 25 players each) -- Ghana, Brazil, Spain and the Netherlands.  And it just so happened that Spain and the Netherlands were playing each other in the final!  :-)  The company had even provided country jerseys for the team members.  They played 2 20-minute halves (remember that these co-ed teams include weekend warriors and people who had never played soccer before), and then did play the World Cup rules in case of a tie.  Of course, the championship game was tied at the end of regulation (3-3) so they went to a 5-person shoot-out.  And by this time it's 8pm (in CT) and it's getting really dark, and the field has no lights.  So, at least both goalies had the same handicap (completely unable to see!).  The Netherlands ended up re-writing history by beating Espana in the shoot-out for the 2010 Bridgewater World Cup.  :-)

After the game, there was a post-game party at Bobby Q's in downtown Westport.  [really good BBQ]  Les had taken the day off, but because this event was going on, we did watch the game and then went to the party so that she could be sure everything happened as it was supposed to.  Oh, and also so we could have a great dinner and hang out with some of her work friends!  We did pretty much close the rooftop down -- me and Les and about 10 of her co-workers.  Seems to be a REALLY great group of guys, although I question some of their favorite events and activities.....  An event where cheap beer is paired with fast food (the Natty Light really complements the White Castle jalapeno slider).  Really??  Although I guess I shouldn't be suprised.  Les's annual White Trash (WT) party is Saturday night......  :-)

I think that the last time I spent time with just Leslie was the spring of 2006.  She had joined us in Dayton in March 2009 for a Girl Movie Day weekend, but that was with a lot of other women so we didn't really have a lot of quality time.  But she did meet some of my crazy friends -- including having lunch with Karyn and Mike D at Tank's before heading out of town on Sunday!  So, we pretty much spent the 40 or so hours we had together talking and talking and talking and talking.  I feel badly for Sal having to put up with us Tuesday night, and then poor Swanson all day/night on Wednesday.  :-)

Of course, when we got home that night, more talking until we just finally had to go to bed since Les had to actually go to work the next day!

1 comment:

  1. World Cup. Watched every game and was on the road so had to play some of them thru my iPad app, 3G on the road.
    Swanson looks cute and curious.
    Good BBQ. I like.
    Sleep tight.
    Will await next mystery destination with interest.
